Goodsol Newsletter #74
New Flowers Tile Set
A new Flowers tile set for Pretty Good MahJongg is now available for download at <>. This tile set, for tile matching games only, features pictures of different flowers on the tiles. This tile set is for Pretty Good MahJongg, which can be downloaded from <>.
In addition to the new tile set, there are some new tile matching layouts for Pretty Good MahJongg added within the past month. Download the new layouts from <>.
Goodsol Forum
Don't forget to visit the Goodsol Solitaire Discussion Forum at <>. Discussions sections include such things as whether a specific game number of a game in Pretty Good Solitaire is winnable and many other topics.
Featured Game - Pretty Good MahJongg - Crazy Quilt
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Crazy Quilt is a MahJongg solitaire tile game in Pretty Good MahJongg. It is based on a classic solitaire card game of the same name.
In Crazy Quilt, 64 MahJongg tiles are dealt out in an 8x8 square, with every other tile rotated 90 degrees. Then 12 foundation piles are dealt out, 4 piles for each of the 3 suits of tiles. Two Ones and two Nines of each suit are placed to start each foundation pile. The piles starting with Ones will be built up in suit from One to Nine, while the piles starting with Nines will be built down in suit from Nine to One.
The remainder of the tiles are placed face down to form a stock, which will be turned over 1 tile at a time to a waste pile, in the normal way of solitaire games.
The 64 tile tableau gives this game its unique flavor. Each tile is turned 90 degrees from its neighbor. This quilt like pattern gives the game its name. To play, only the tiles which have a short side not blocked by another tile are available. In the initial configuration, 16 of the 28 tiles on the outside edge are available. As tiles are removed, interior tiles will become available. Available tiles from the tableau can be built onto the foundation piles. Also, an available tile in the tableau can be played on the waste pile if it is in sequence up or down in suit.
The objective is to build all the tiles onto the foundation piles, clearing the crazy quilt tableau and emptying the waste pile. There is one redeal of the stock.
There are a number of variations of the game. Indian Carpet is the same game with no redeals. Japanese Rug keeps the redeal, but does not allow building from the tableau onto the waste pile. Car Park is the same game without the Ones and Nine's dealt out at the beginning, meaning they will be buried in the tableau or stock. All of these games are slightly more difficult due to the more restrictive rules.
Crazy Quilt, Indian Carpet, Japanese Rug, and Car Park are all games in Pretty Good MahJongg at <>.
Thomas Warfield - Software Designer - [email protected]
Anne Warfield - Order Fulfilment - [email protected]
©2004 Goodsol Development Inc.
PO Box 9155, Springfield IL 62791
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