Goodsol Newsletter #119
New Year's Pretty Good MahJongg Special
Happy New Year! To start off new year, we have a special coupon code for 25% off our game Pretty Good MahJongg between now and January 15,
2008, available only to newsletter subscribers. We don't often offer
discounts as large as this, so if you are interested in Pretty Good
MahJongg, grab it while you can.
Pretty Good MahJongg is a collection of solitaire games played with
MahJongg tiles. It includes the classic tile matching game plus many other
MahJongg tile puzzle games. If you haven't yet tried it, it can be
downloaded from
Pretty Good MahJongg Coupon Code: GOOD-4FSV-NEWY
Just go to and buy Pretty Good
MahJongg and enter the coupon code GOOD-4FSV-NEWY in the coupon
code box at the last step of the order process to get a 25% discount.
Offer is good until January 15th and you must enter the code to get the
French Help File for Pretty Good Solitaire
The Pretty Good Solitaire help file has been translated into French and is
now available in a new format usable with version 12. This French help file
can be downloaded from
To use it, download the file, unzip it, and follow the instructions in the
goodsol_french_readme.txt to place the French help file in the same folder
as the game and rename it so that the game will find it (keeping a copy of
the original English help file). This help file requires that at least version
11.0.1 of Pretty Good Solitaire be installed.
Coming in 2008
2008 marks the start of our 14th year! As the new year starts, we are
working on improving our newest product, Pretty Good Solitaire Mac
Edition, available at .
The Mac Edition is our very first product for Mac OS X and it has been a big
success, despite it only being a collection of 30 games. Our first new
release of 2008 will be the 101 game version of Pretty Good Solitaire Mac
Edition. In addition, we are now planning the 200 game version for release
Also coming soon will be a bug fix version of the Windows Pretty Good
Solitaire version 12.
Featured Game - Huge Spider
This game is at Huge Spider.
Thomas Warfield - Software Designer - [email protected]
Anne Warfield - Order Fulfillment - [email protected]
©2008 Goodsol Development Inc.
PO Box 9155, Springfield IL 62791
Pretty Good Solitaire, Action Solitaire, Pretty Good MahJongg, FreeCell
Wizard, Spider Wizard, and more. Visit us at <>;.
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