A new version of Pretty Good Solitaire is now available.
Version 14.0 can be downloaded from http://www.goodsol.com/download.html
Version 14.0 adds 2 new games for a total of 800 games.
The new games are Double Moosehide and Double Putt.
Version 14.0 also adds a new feature - a quick search box on the main screen. More on that below,
Version 14.0 is a free upgrade for users who originally ordered version 13 (ordered since April 12, 2011) or have paid for an upgrade since that time. It is not a free upgrade for users who originally ordered version 12 or below.
Users of older versions can upgrade for $11.95 at http://www.goodsol.com/upgrade.html
The quick way to determine whether you need to upgrade to use version 14.0 is to look at your registration code. If your registration code starts with "43", "42", "2a", "2r", or "2g", the upgrade is free and your registration code will work in version 14.0. Otherwise, you need to upgrade. If you registration code starts with "27", "2p", or "2m", version 13 was a free upgrade but version 14 is not.
The new Quick Search Box is located on the main screen, just under the toolbar. See the screenshot.
There are 3 ways to use the new search box.
1) Click on the drop down arrow and scroll thru the game list and choose a game. This is much like choosing a game from the regular menu.
2) Click on the down arrow to get the game list, then type a few letters. You will go directly to the games whose names start with those letters. Below, I have typed "fr" which takes me to "Fred's Spider".
3) Just type a game name in the box and press return. You are instantly playing the game of that name. Below I have typed "freecell". When return is pressed the game will start.